A century of cultivation brings the blessing of shared journeys. With compassion guiding the tour, we traverse boundless distances. In the future, there must be more and more kindred spirits to navigate with us on this “Noah’s Ark” of Science & Vision.
“务虚实录”团队 / S&V Team
The cultural IP “Science & Vision” operates as a think tank integrated media platform, supported by a robust intellectual community. Its author database comprises renowned academics and researchers from prestigious universities and institutions across China, including Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. Additionally, the team maintains extensive connections with experts and scholars from educational and research institutions in the UK and the US, offering a significant international advantage. The platform’s core operational team members and partners are as follows:
刘越 | 主理人 Liu Yue | Founder
施海涛 | 联合创始人 Shi Haitao | Co-Founder
李雪 | 联合创始人 Li Xue | Co-Founder
沈丁立 | 学术顾问 Shen Dingli | Academic Advisor
张贵洪 | 学术顾问 Zhang Guihong | Academic Advisor
张家栋 | 学术顾问 Zhang Jiadong | Academic Advisor
晋继勇 | 学术顾问 Jin Jiyong | Academic Advisor
刘宏松 | 学术顾问 Liu Hongsong | Academic Advisor
程晓勇 | 学术顾问 Cheng Xiaoyong | Academic Advisor
杨震 | 学术顾问 Yang Zhen | Academic Advisor
江天骄 | 学术顾问 Jiang Tianjiao | Academic Advisor
吴挺 | 媒体顾问 Wu Ting | Media Consultant
宗佳颖 | 金融顾问 Zong Jiaying | Financial consultant
张文静 | 科技顾问 Zhang Wenjing | Technology Consultant
余冬杰 | 科技顾问 Yu Dongjie | Science & Technology Consultant
许陈品 | 两岸关系顾问 Xu Chenpin | Cross-Strait Relations Consultant
刘曈曈 | 军事研究顾问 Liu Tongtong | Military Studies Consultant
Sonia Xiao | 财务总监兼会计/ Finance Controller & Accountant